Keller Williams Philadelphia - Jake Silverstein
Jake Silverstein
Keller Williams Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
English / Italian / German
REALTOR®uPhilly Living
Svaka kancelarija Keller Williams® je u nezavisnom vlasništvu i upravljanju
Moji detalji
JEZICI English, Italian, German
MARKET CENTAR Keller Williams Philadelphia

O meni

Jake Silverstein is a full-time real estate professional with experience in all elements of residential sales. He joined the PhillyLiving team in April of 2024.

Jake was initially interested in Real Estate to get into the investment side of the business but quickly fell in love with providing value and guiding others through the purchase or sale of their home. Jake takes a lot of pride and responsibility in being a part of such a large and important moment. Jake has a background in sports, having played soccer for the Philadelphia Union Academy, in both Italy and Germany, as well as at Temple. With his background as both a soccer agent and in sales, Jake leverages his negotiation skills and market knowledge to ensure the best deals for all of his clients. He understands the importance of working hard, always being available for his clients, and doing everything with attention to detail. Jake prides himself on bringing this level of service to every client, deal, or investment.

Outside of business, Jake is a proud girl dad to two beautiful dogs who he loves to show off. He loves to travel and learn new languages and instruments. A Temple University alum, Jake has called the Philadelphia area home for over a decade.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Jake Silverstein
Philly Living

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Keller Williams Philadelphia
1619 Walnut Street, 5th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103

Jake Silverstein
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